Sabina and Cronenberg

I found the film very interesting. It is a pity Cronenberg didn’t show Jung 20cms taller than Freud, which he actually was, neither Jung picking Freud from the ground in his arms.

The only way a think the question of Jung’s reasons for him to “fall for Sabina Spielrein” is pertinent is that the actress is not a tenth as beautiful as Sabina was, neither does she look slightly as intelligent as Sabina was. I tried to find Sabina’s photo on the cloud, but I couldn’t. A pity. It is very difficult to resist a beautiful and intelligent woman and seductive woman who decides to seduce. And Jung was not a fortress. On the contrary ! He needed two women in his life. Emma Jung was not only a rich bourgeois. Some letters of hers to Freud really show an intelligent woman, really caring for Jung. Neither Jung has a “nervous breakdown”. He went fully through an schizophrenic crises. Try to read his Red Book! Its worst than Schreber’s. Lire la suite ... >>>

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Mon expérience de l’autisme

Mon expérience de l’autisme
Garance, autour d’Écouter Haendel de Scarlett et Philippe Reliquet, Gallimard, 2011

Écouter Haendel est une jubilation de Garance, enfant autiste. C’est aussi le titre d’un livre où ses parents racontent leur découverte lente et douloureuse de l’autisme de leur fille. Lente et douloureuse, mais aussi riche de compréhension, de sagesse et d’ouverture aux possibilités offertes à l’exploration de mondes autres que les nôtres, dits « normaux ».

Une clinique du sujet est forcément une clinique de la subjectivité, différente par exemple d’une clinique des corps. Une clinique de la subjectivité est forcément une clinique du transfert et implique le contre-transfert. Je ne peux aborder ce que je comprends qu’en exposant ma manière de comprendre. Écouter Haendel est un livre précieux, délicat, sensible, émouvant, habité par Garance, cette petite fille, jeune fille, préadolescente, adolescente, que ses parents découvrent progressivement autiste, nous guidant dans leur découverte, nous faisant à notre tour découvrir l’autisme comme si c’était la première fois que nous en entendions parler.

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A Dangerous Method

True to historic facts, Cronenberg’s A Dangerous Method holds some interesting surprises – naturally, considering the director and the actors’ work on the subtlest staging details. (See the Cronenberg interview).
Some of those details lie on the more comical side, such as Freud’s character.
So far I had imagined Freud in different ways, but the idea of a Viennese cigar-munching Godfather had not occurred to me. Cronenberg’s Freud comes across as a slow talking, sometimes cynical, sometimes despicable plotter of institutional schemes. A hard-nosed professional subversive who seems impressed only by the ever-growing anti-semitism that besieges him and his new science. And when Jung finally falls out of favour, the only sense that comes to Freud’s mind is his designated successor’s “Aryanism”.
With Spielrein and Jung’s respective characters, things immediately seem to run deeper. The first time we see Spielrein, she’s literally howling mad. But she seems to get better with an astonishing speed, each and every time Jung addresses her like a normal human being. One can only imagine what it must have been like in the asylums of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But Bleuler and Jung’s Burghölzli looks very much like the Anti-Psychiatrist‘s dream. Patients, not inmates, are being cared for, offered interesting humane work and most of all are treated like fully responsible grown-ups. In this utopian castle, Spielrein not only turns out to be the gifted psychologist that Jung suspected right away, but she also learns how to accept and enjoy her sexual fantasies. Although, with some practical help of her therapist, who does not show the same ease towards his own fantasies.
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Psychoanalysis, differently

After The Worst Ennemies of Psychoanalysis and The Best Friends of Psychoanalysis Prado de Oliveira turns to the Hungarian psychoanalyst Sándor Ferenczi (1873-1933). Prado considers Ferenczi to be the most paradoxical disciple

of Freud for being both close and critical, loyal and original (originality often being considered as a flaw in psychoanalytic institutions), methodical and ebullient. Not only in theory. Ferenczi is maybe best known for his experimental practice, described in his clinical diaries. Lire la suite ... >>>

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Effectiveness of Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

In 2008, Falk Leichsenring, DSc, and Sven Rabung, PhD, published a meta-analysis on the “Effectiveness of Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA, 2008; 300(13): 1551-1565, doi:10.1001/jama.300.13.1551).

The authors start their enquiry by questioning the controversial status of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic treatment in mainstream psychiatry. Although proof for efficiency of short-term psychodynamic therapy has already been acquired for specific disorders, long-term therapy seemed unable to provide anything better than disputed proof. Lire la suite ... >>>

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Psychoanalyse und Philosophie

Herbert Marcuse : Psychoanalyse und Philosophie, Nachgelassene Schriften, Bd. 3. zu Klampen Verlag, Lüneburg, 2002
Nach Fromms Ausschluß aus dem Institutfür Sozialforschung, blieb Marcuse der einzige Denker der„Frankfurter Schule“, für den die Psychoanalyse mehrbeinhaltete als einen unumgänglichen Beitrag zur Analyse desbeschädigten Lebens.
Im Gegensatz zu Horkheimer und Adorno, zieht esMarcuses Denken immer wieder zu den Möglichkeiten eines Auswegs aus dertotalitären Vermittlung der Kulturindustrie. Mit dieser Absicht nimmt auchdie Psychoanalyse bei Marcuse eine unvergleichbar zentralere Stellung ein. Wosich Horkheimer und Adorno auf eher abstrakt allgemeine Hinweise auf diebefreienden Möglichkeiten einer elitistischen Kunstavantgardebeschränken, entwirft Marcuse, im Kontext der Freudschen Metapsychologie,die Grundzüge eines nicht beschädigten Lebens und der dazuunumgänglichen besseren Gesellschaft.
Diewissenschaftliche Gleichschaltung und die Reduktion auf technischesSpezialistentum berauben, nach Marcuse, die Psychoanalyse derÜbertreibungen und Spekulationen die ihre politische Bedeutung ausmachen. Daß die Metapsychologie aber nicht nur theoretischeGesellschaftskritik bedeutet, zeigt Marcuses Versuch ihr Richtlinien fürein praktische Gesellschaftsänderung abzugewinnen. Diese Änderung imGroßen ist freilich nur durch eine Veränderung der Subjektivitätdes Individuums im einzelnen zu bewerkstelligen; durch die Herstellung einerneuen Sensibilität.
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